The first Entifix application

8 min readAug 1, 2020

The purpose of this article is to work as an introduction to entifix-ts-backend. This is the first one of a series that pretend to explain every characteristic, the reason of its development and the other entifix versions (This is for backend, but there is Entifix for frontend too).

TypeScript makes Entifix possible

What the hell is Entifix?

Entifix is in short terms, the very first step in the road of building a new TypeScript framework. The main idea is that the developers should only worry about create entities and their behavior. All the logic for REST exposition and communication between microservices should be a standard or convention.

Whats behind?

Entifix is built on top on node, written in TypeScript, and its core functions are from two of most common frameworks: express and mongoose. There are a lot of features for RabbitMQ interaction, because for sure you will want to construct many entifix application and connect them.

Warming up

It is necessary node, docker and docker-compose to following this tutorial. Here is the repo with the complete code.

We are going to build an entifix app from scratch to show the main functionality. Also we are going to use docker-compose to run two containers, one with our app and another one with mongo to create the connection.

Npm init and Npm install

Perform the npm initialization and the basic values.

npm init

Then, lets install the entifix-ts-backend:

npm install --save entifix-ts-backend

And the dev dependencies:

npm install --save-dev typescript @types/node

Later, we are going to configure our typescrpt environment. We add a tsconfig.json file:

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6",
"module": "commonjs",
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"removeComments": false,
"outDir": "dist",
"sourceMap": true
"exclude": [
"include": [

As you can see, we are going to use a folder (server) for our app and another for the generated javascript code (dist). We need experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata setted as true.

Files structure

Let’s create this suggested structure:

│ package.json
│ package-lock.json
│ tsconfig.json

└─── server
│ │ app.ts
│ │ server.ts
│ │
│ └─── entities
│ │ Brand.ts
│ │ Car.ts
│ │ Characteristic.ts

Bootstrap files

The files to start the application are app.ts and server.ts

//app.tsimport {
} from 'entifix-ts-backend';
class App extends EntifixApplication
//#region Properties
//#region Methods
//#region Accessors protected get serviceConfiguration() {
let config : EntifixAppConfig = {
serviceName: 'entifix-cars',
mongoService: {
user: '<user>',
url: 'mongodb:27017/entifix-cars-db',
password: '<pass>',
protectRoutes: { enable: false },
devMode: true
return config;
export { App }

What we create, is the class to create the instance of our app, and this is a singleton. We import from entifix-ts-backend two things:

  • EntifixApplication: Abstract class for entifix applications
  • EntifixAppConfig: Interface to define a structure for configurations.

The accesor serviceConfiguration define a serviceName, mongo configuration credentials, protectRoutes as false to disable token validations during income http requests and devMode as true.

Now we are going to proceed with server.ts

import http = require('http');
import { App } from './app';
var port = 3000;
var application = new App(port);
var server = http.createServer( application.expressApp );
server.listen(port, ()=>{
console.log('Server listening on port:' + port);
export { server, application };

This file imports previous app.ts and then starts our app.

Entity files

The entities are the main reason for entifix creation. The main idea is that developers just have to create them and define its properties and business logic. In other words, create entities in a declarative way.

Let’s create a simple entity:

import {
} from "entifix-ts-backend";

interface IBrand {
name: string;
country: string;
interface IBrandModel extends EntityDocument, IBrand { }@DefinedEntity()
class Brand extends EMEntity implements IBrand
//#region Properties
//#region Methods


//#region Accessors
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }
get name() : string
{ return (this._document as IBrandModel).name; }
set name(value : string)
{ (this._document as IBrandModel).name = value; }

exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }
get country() : string
{ return (this._document as IBrandModel).country; }
set country(value : string)
{ (this._document as IBrandModel).country = value; }
export {

We are going to make a larger stop here. First, we need three elements to conform and entity: An interface for a common schema (IBrand), an interface for a mongoose model (IBrandModel) that extends from EntityDocument (Which extends MongooseModel), and finally the entity itself (Brand). Second, the DefinedEntity create the core metadata.

As a third aspect, we could focus on the structure for the accessors:

exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }
get country() : string
return (this._document as IBrandModel).country;
set country(value : string)
(this._document as IBrandModel).country = value;

The accessor country is just a kind of wrapper for the model property. You can see the parameters exposition and schema and infer that this parameters define the behavior for persistence to mongo and serialization to http request/response.

That was our first entity, now let’s create Characteristic in a very similar way:

import {
} from "entifix-ts-backend";
interface ICharacteristic {
charName: string;
charValue: string;
interface ICharacteristicModel extends EntityDocument, ICharacteristic{ }
class Characteristic extends EMEntity implements ICharacteristic
//#region Properties

//#region Methods //#endregion //#region Accessors @DefinedAccessor({
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }
get charName() : string
{ return (this._document as ICharacteristicModel).charName; }
set charName(value : string)
{ (this._document as ICharacteristicModel).charValue = value; }
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }})
get charValue() : string
{ return (this._document as ICharacteristicModel).charValue; }
set charValue(value : string)
{ (this._document as ICharacteristicModel).charValue = value; }
//#endregion}export {

However, we are building entities, and entities have relations with other entities. Let’s take a look what entifix can do for that:

//Car.tsimport {
} from "entifix-ts-backend";

{ ICharacteristic, Characteristic, ICharacteristicModel } from "./Characteristic";
import { Brand } from "./Brand";

interface ICar {
idBrand?: string;
lineName: string;
year: number;
color: string;
characteristics: Array<ICharacteristic>
interface ICarModel extends EntityDocument, ICar { }@DefinedEntity()
class Car extends EMEntity implements ICar
//#region Properties
private _characteristics : Array<Characteristic>
private _brand : Brand;
//#region Methods

//#region Accessors
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }
get lineName(): string
{ return (this._document as ICarModel).lineName; }
set lineName(value: string)
{ (this._document as ICarModel).lineName = value; }
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: Number }
get year(): number
{ return (this._document as ICarModel).year; }
set year(value: number)
{ (this._document as ICarModel).year = value; }
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }
get color(): string
{ return (this._document as ICarModel).color; }
set color(value: string)
{ (this._document as ICarModel).color = value; }

exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String }, alias: 'idBrand',
activator: new EMMemberActivator(Brand.getInfo(), MemberBindingType.Reference, true)
get brand() : Brand
{ return this._brand; }
set brand(value : Brand)
{ (this._document as ICarModel).idBrand = value && value._id ? value._id.toString() : null; this._brand = value; }
exposition: ExpositionType.Normal,
schema: { type: String },
activator: new EMMemberActivator(Characteristic.getInfo(), MemberBindingType.Snapshot, true)
get characteristics() : Array<Characteristic>
{ return this._characteristics; }
set characteristics(value : Array<Characteristic>)
{ (this._document as ICarModel).characteristics = value ? => v.getDocument() as ICharacteristicModel) : null; this._characteristics = value;
//#endregion}export {

There are two important things here. The properties brand and characteristic are another entities, but regarding the model, the mongo document only saves the idBrand but complete characteristic Array (ICar interface). This is possible thanks the way of we use the parameter activator for the DefinedAccessor respectively. Brand is a reference entity and characteristic is a snapshot entity.

After create entities, we need to register and expose them. Let’s modify the app.ts file:

...import { Brand, IBrandModel } from './entities/Brand';
import { Characteristic, ICharacteristicModel } from './entities/Characteristic';
import { Car, ICarModel } from './entities/Car';
class App extends EntifixApplication
... //#region Methods protected registerEntities(): void
this.serviceSession.registerEntity<IBrandModel, Brand>(Brand, Brand.getInfo());
this.serviceSession.registerEntity<ICharacteristicModel, Characteristic>(Characteristic, Characteristic.getInfo());
this.serviceSession.registerEntity<ICarModel, Car>(Car, Car.getInfo());
protected exposeEntities(): void


We need to add some commands to start our application.

"name": "entifix-cars",
... "scripts": {
"compile": "tsc",
"start": "npm run compile && node dist/server.js"

With this configuration we can use the commands to transpile the typescript code and start the app.

Mongo with compose

At this point, it is only necessary to set credentials and a valid mongo uri. If you already have mongo installed, you can proceed with a npm start!. However, if you want to test the example with containers, we can add a setup with docker-compose to use containers for entifix-cars-app and mongo.

Les’s create this folder structure outside our current folder:

│ docker-compose.yml

└─── entifix-cars
│ ... <Already existing files>
└─── mongo
│ │
│ └─── datadb
| |
│ └─── entripoint
│ │ entrypoint.js
│ docker-compose.yml

└─── entifix-cars
│ ... <Already existing files>
└─── mongo
│ │
│ └─── datadb
| |
│ └─── entripoint
│ │ entrypoint.js

This structure is going to start our app and configure a mongo instance with the database and user already created.

This is the compose:

#docker-compose.ymlversion: '3'services:
image: "node:10.4"
working_dir: /src
command: bash -c "npm install && npm start"
- ./entifix-cars:/src
- 3000:3000
- mongodb
- mongodb
image: "mongo:3.6"
- 27017:27017
- ./mongo/entrypoint:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
- ./mongo/datadb:/data/db
command: mongod --noauth

This compose use containers (Don’t build them) and mount volumes for source code and configuration.

The most important config here is the entrypoint for mongo container, because this allows us to create the database and user for entifix-cars-app

This is the entrypoint:

//entrypoint.jsdb = db.getSiblingDB('entifix-cars-db');db.createUser({ user: "entifixUser", pwd: "entifix123", roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "entifix-cars-db" }] });

Wrapping up

Now, with a simple command you start your application:

docker-compose up

You have a crud for each entity with this pattern:

GET: localhost:3000/api/brandGET: localhost:3000/api/brand/:idPOST: localhost:3000/api/brand
"name": "BMW",
"country": "Germany"
PUT: localhost:3000/api/brand
"id": "11234adfa32413434"
"name": "BMW",
"country": "Germany"
DELETE: localhost:3000/api/brand/:id

You already have a filtering engine working:

//All cars with year greater than 2010 and color contains 'blue'
GET: localhost:3000/api/car?fixed_filer=year|gt|2010&fixed_filer=color|lk|blue
//All BMW Cars
GET: localhost:3000/api/car?|eq|BMW

You also can navigate into properties (With its own crud included):

//List all characteristics of a car
GET: localhost:3000/api/car/:idCar/characteristics
//Add a characteristic
POST: localhost:3000/api/car/:idCar/characteristics
"charName": "CC",
"charValue": 5000
// Get the Brand
GET: localhost:3000/api/car/:idCar/brand

All of that just declaring entities.


I will be adding more examples for Entifix and its features, you could be interested in its strong RabbitMQ and Websocket functionality… And also complete documentation.




TypeScript programmer and software passionate. Working on a dream called R10C Technologies